Natalie Broders has been awarded a gold award and published in the Everyday Birth Magazine in their Photo Story Series.
“The Divine Life Giving Mother” by Natalie Broders Gold Award: Photo Story Series Everyday Birth Magazine Fall/Winter 2024
Here’s what the mother in the photo had to say:
The most meaningful moments of my birth story was the moment I got to hold my son in my arms and see with my own eyes that he was strong and healthy.
The other meaningful moment, the one I cherish the most, is the moment my one year old daughter got to finally meet her little brother. She was so happy she gave him a kiss, that night was the best part of all. After we left the delivery room and got set up in our new room I finally got to hold and cuddle both my babies while their dad my partner took the cutest photos. In this moment alone with my beautiful little family, that was when I knew without a doubt that everything was just right, and that made me feel so at peace.
Being able to capture my children coming into the world through birth photography means the world to me. Not only because it’s so beautiful and sometimes I love reliving those moments, it’s also because I look back and see how far I’ve come from who I was before kids, it makes me proud. I have changed so much and I brought beautiful lives into the world. Having that memory and being able to look back on it as my kids grow up is beautiful and I’m so grateful for it.
“Sometimes, things don’t go as planned in birth. Having had a home birth in her living room with her first baby, pivoting to a hospital induction for her second was not what she expected. In addition to being there as her photographer, I was also her birth doula for both her baby’s births. I really admired the ease and grace with which she accepted this unforeseen change in plans and I think her ability to move into acceptance allowed her labor to unfold as it did. It’s not easy to let go of the hopes and plans we had for our birth. It takes a lot of inner strength to let go of what could have been and surrender to what is needed in that moment.” Photographer Natalie Broders
Natalie Broders is a birth photographer, birth videographer and birth doula located in Portland, Oregon. She lives on a farm with her husband and 2 kids. They raise chickens and love to garden. Natalie loves babywearing, cloth diapering and is passionate about her work as an advocate for birthing people as a labor and birth doula. She had one of her babies at a birth center and her second baby was born at home, in water.